Do you have a story for us..?

Greetings Ghostwatchers! To say thanks for all your continued support, we're offering you the chance to feature in the upcoming retrospective documentary, Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains!
If you have access to a camera/webcam, we'd like you to record your very own Ghostwatch Story to be featured in the completed doc!
Entries should be under three minutes long, and as high quality as you can manage. Don't forget to send us your name/email address with each submission. The best way to submit your entry is to add it as a 'Video Response' to our most recent BtC trailer on Youtube.
Feel free to talk about your personal experiences with the show - did you see it on the night of transmission, or perhaps later, on DVD? Whatever your thoughts, let us know! Also, if you'd like to feature in a 'Special Thanks To' section during the doc's end credits, all you have to do is email us your full name to the following address..
...and we'll add it to the list!
By submitting your entry/entries, you hereby consent and grant to the 'Ghostwatch: Behind the Curtains' team and/or its professional partners the right to re-print and publicise your submitted image/name free of charge on any/all entertainment/media releases of 'GHOSTWATCH: BEHIND THE CURTAINS' (working title) including the advertising and promotion thereof, without additional compensation or notification. We reserve the right not to include your submission for any reason.
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