Paranormal-ier Activity

The simple and yet engaging premise of Paranormal Activity , released in 2009, focused on a couple terrorized by a malevolent spirit in their new home. After generating a huge following thanks to some impressive filmmaking/performances and not to mention unstoppable word of mouth, (or, perhaps 'word of email'?) the inevitable sequel is now just months away. Something truly remarkable in both the run-up and fallout of the film's release was just how many people started drawing comparisons with Ghostwatch . The director of the first film, Oren Peli, was even heard to remark in the April 1-7 2010 edition of Time Out magazine... Q: What currently unavailable films or TV shows would you love to see on DVD? A: Ghostwatch (1992) isn't available in the US, although I've already seen it. So, with that in mind, do check out this first trailer for PA2 . And try not to have sleepless nights...